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Making a family

For years, Dad had avoided getting a dog. Whenever the 1 came up, Dad complained, "Dogs are a pain. I don't want to be 2." Despite his strong opposition, Mom brought home a puppy named Chip, a cute ball that 3 us all.

For me, at age thirteen, Chip brought out my 4 side. I fed, brushed and walked him every day. I also learned that when we take care of what is important to us, we 5 the benefits. And this 6 stayed with me as I grew. At that time, Chip meant a loyal (忠诚的) companion, someone to 7 me at the door when I returned, and someone to kiss my face when I was sad.

Chip even 8 Dad. It was nearly a month before Chip's 9 personality won him over. Dad was the first to 10 him to sit on the sofa. He even made chew toys for Chip to play with.

Most 11, Chip brought us together as a family. After dinner, instead of escaping to our bedrooms as before, we all 12 Chip into the family room. We'd teach him new 13 or perfect his old ones. We'd recall stories of the cute things he'd done that day. The key is that we'd do this together.

People sometimes complain that dog lovers are 14 humanity; rather, their pets stimulate the 15 of their humanity.
