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In Fujian province, over 3,000 Tulou scatter (散落) in the mountains, more than any other province in China. Some of them are circular, while others are rectangular (方形的). They also varysize and height.

A Tulou usually has 3 to 5 floors, coveringarea of around 5,000 square meters. A Tulou can accommodate hundreds of people, who live and work together,(share) the public areas, as well as the public(facility) such as the well and the stairs. So, a Tulou(function) as a village unit. It brings unity to all the villagers, passing down the traditional culture.

The(early) Tulou was built in the 13th century, when the Hakka people moved to Fujian during the war.(settle) here permanently, the Hakka people built the Tulou based on the local geographical environment, for both living and defense purposes. Featuring mud wallsare over one meter thick, a specially-designed entrance, high windows and secret tunnels (地道), the Tulou can defend against enemies effectively.

In 2008, the Fujian Tulou were on the UNESCO's World Heritage List. Nowadays, the Tulou are no longer defensive buildings,they still reflect the ideas of harmony and cooperation while living together.

When you get a chance, why not visit Fujian Tulou and take a look at these(impress) earthen buildings?
