组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I feared going into my room after school. Every day it was something different. The hours away at school were long enough to cause a terrible change to my private room. Today can be no different.

As I entered the house, Mom greeted me with a smile. It seemed like nothing was wrong. Still, I wouldn't believe. Yesterday, I discovered a chocolate cookie spread around the mouth of my angel statue. Its pink lips were covered in chocolate. Obviously, Callie had shared her cookie with my angel.

I looked around for my little sister, Callie, who had just turned three. I didn't see her. As I checked the sitting room, I noticed it was pretty messy. There were toys all around. There were a few headless dolls, some blocks, the remains of a grape stuck into the carpet. I searched around and there she was, sitting on the sofa with the TV remote in her sticky hands. She looked up and saw me. A huge smile broke out on her face, and she laughed, clapping her hands. I was surprised that they didn't stick together.

"Sissy (sister)!" She jumped off the sofa and ran to me, hugging my knees and almost tipping me over. "Hi, Callie," I said, with the slightest smile. I ruffled (抚弄) her long thick hair, and some white crumbs (残渣) fell to the carpet. "Cheese, sissy", Callie said, pointing at the crumbs that had settled onto the carpet. I found a strong smell of cheese from them. Had Callie focused on destroying only the sitting room? A voice raced across my mind. No way. Not my sister, the destroyer. Not my sister, the three-year-old terror. I turned around and started the scared climb to my room.

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I pushed the door open and saw a complete mess again!


Seeing the tears in her eyes, I bent down and lifted her up gently.
