组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Do you find yourself studying the same page for 15 minutes? Are you thinking of a TV show while doing your homework? If so, you may have a concentration problem.

Concentration is the ability to focus on a task at hand. Luckily, concentration can be improved through training. Start by creating a space that's well lit, quiet, and comfortable. Take away your smartphone, TV or something like that. Instead, have everything you need at your desk. This area is your concentration zone, and you should use it only for working. After a while, your brain will automatically switch to concentration mode as soon as you sit down.

Physical health also plays a part in concentration. Healthy food, enough sleep, and regular exercise help your mind stay sharp. When stress gets in the way, try meditation(冥想). It will help you relax and practice concentration.

American communication and creativity expert Sam Horn provides more tips for improving your "FOCUS".

F=Five More Rule. When you think you can't work anymore, just do five more minutes.

O=One "Think" at a Time. Stop dealing with lots of things at the same time in your head. Instead, set a time for thinking about a single task.

C=Conquer Procrastination(克服拖延症). Sometimes we don't feel like concentrating, so we put off work. Just ask yourself, "Will it get easier later?" Then you'll probably want to get it over with.

U=Use Your Hands as Blinkers. Cup your hands and only pay attention to what you are reading.

S=See As If for the First Time. Look at each moment like it is the first or last time you'll see or experience it.

Concentration can help you get ahead in life. Use the tips and find out for yourself!
