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In Europe, there are many great and interesting countries. But one country stands out for tulips(郁金香) and windmills(风车). It is the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is more than 41, 500 square kilometers in size. It is about the size of Hainan. It has lots of culture and art. It is the home of many great — for example, Vincent van Gogh. You see his works in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands.

Besides fine art, many people also visit to see the tulips. The Netherlands is " the country of tulips ". It has the largest tulip garden — the Keukenhof garden. Every year, at least 100 kinds of tulips bloom here.

Dutch people are very hardworking. There a saying:" God made the Earth, but the Dutch made Holland. "More than a quarter of the country is below sea level. So Dutch people built many dams(水坝) to the country from flooding. They also created new land from seas and rivers. They have one sixth of the country's land!

The Netherlands is well known for its bicycles too. There are bicycles than people in cities like Amsterdam and the Hague. You can rent(租)a bicycle at subway stations.
