组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Would you try food made of rubbish? When world leaders got together at the UN for a meeting on climate(气候) change, they had a special lunch. The food was made from something that most of us would throw away. There was a salad made of vegetable scraps(剩菜叶). The leaders also had hamburgers made of fruit left over from juicing.

The UN said this reminded people about food waste and the bad influence it has on climate change. "Food waste is not often noticed in climate change, and that is shameful when so many people are in hunger. " said a government secretary.

Most people don't even realize how much food they throw away every day. Sometimes they cook too much or they don't use it in time. Every year more than one-third of all food produced worldwide goes to waste, according to the UN. Stop the waste, and the whole world could save $300 billion from wasted food. More importantly, it could also do less harm to the environment.

Think about a bag of cheese(奶酪). Before we buy it at the store, people have to raise the cows, deal with the milk, and drive to the shop to sell the cheese. If you throw the cheese away, you have wasted energy, fuel(燃料) and water, which give out greenhouse gases that add to global warming.

The UN said if we stop throwing good food away, we could cut down up to 17 million tons of CO₂. The good of that would be the same as taking one in every four cars off the road.
