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Every day people throw away a lot of household garbage – paper, cans, kitchen waste, used batteries and glasssorting it. There are many problems(cause) by unsorted garbage. On one hand, it'sgreat waste of resources. On the other hand, the disposal of unsorted garbage can cause serious environmental pollution,does harm to people's health. Now our government has realized the importance of garbage sorting. So far many activities(hold) to teach people how to sort garbage(proper).

People in cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, are required to sort garbage into four categories - kitchen waste, dangerous waste,(recycle) waste and other waste. Also, they can get certain points for sorting their garbage. When they accumulate enough points, they can go to the community(exchange) them for some gifts of daily use. However, still a lot of people in China lack the(aware) of garbage sorting. Changing people's mindsets and habits will take a long time. But once one person(develop) the habit of garbage sorting, more may be influenced to do the same.




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