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Since sugar is such a big part of the food we eat, people may wonder if some types of sugar are better for us than others. Let's look at some common sweeteners to find out.

White Sugar

White sugar is also called table sugar because it's often on tables at homes and restaurants. Because it goes through the most processing, it has the least nutritional value of all the sugars we consume. As it is being refined(提纯), the sugar loses its minerals along with any natural color it had. During the refining process, thick, brown liquid known as molasses(糖浆)is produced.

Brown Sugar

Brown sugar is essentially white sugar with some of the molasses added back in. Although the molasses contains some nutrients, the amount added is not enough to be of much benefit to people.

Black Sugar

Some people believe black sugar, which originated in Okinawa, Japan, is more nutritious than brown sugar. With black sugar, sugarcane is boiled until it turns into a dark sauce, which is then cooled and formed into solid chunks. Thus, black sugar keeps its molasses content.


Honey is another common type of sweetener that people use, with many believing it is the healthiest option because it comes from bees and is therefore more natural. There is truth to that belief, but despite having more nutritional value, too much honey can still be harmful to one's health. The main point seems to be that people should control their intake of sugar as much as possible.
