组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

however,   happy,    by,    great,   win,    interesting,    fail,    say ,    believe,    physics

Albert Einstein was born in Germany in 1879. As a boy he was in school.

He seemed to be slower than others and he often in his exams. Most of his teachers did not like him. , his parents loved him very much. They often  to the teachers, Albert is a bright boy. He failed in some of the exams because he wasn't  in those subjects. They their son would do something great. One day, the Einsteins and their friends were having a picnic the riverside. Someone said, "See how the other children play and laugh, but not Albert. He just sits and  looks off across the river. " Albert's mother heard this and said, "Albert is quiet, because he's thinking. Let's wait and see. He'll become a great scientist, I believe. "She was right. Later, Albert became one of the scientists in the world. He  the Nobel

Prize for in 1921.
