组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Tom was from a poor family. His father was a poor worker. His mother had no job and she was often ill. Tom liked drawing pictures and he hoped to be an artist. But everybody said that it was impossible for him to be an artist and made fun of his dream. Tom was sad, but he didn't want to give up his dream.

One day, Tom heard that there was going to be a drawing competition the next month, and anyone aged over 13 was welcome. The winner would get a prize of $10, 000. Tom thought about it and decided to take part in the competition.

That month seemed the longest month in Tom's life. Every day when he got home from school, a pencil and a piece of paper were the first things in his hands. Finally, the day of the competition came. Tom finished his drawing quickly.

After two weeks, Tom got a letter. He was too afraid to open it. At last, He opened it slowly. Justas he read the fist sentence, he began crying. However, they were not tears of sadness. They were tears of happiness!
