组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Everything from essays to exams is threatened by advanced artificial intelligence like ChatGPT, which can produce clear answers to complex questions. Educators are particularly concerned about students turning to AI tools like ChatGPT with their homework. One suggested solution is to make students write exam essays using pen and paper.

To stay competitive through their careers, students need to learn how to use AI writing tools properly to gain output. As professionals working into the 2060s and beyond, they will need to learn how to deal with AI systems effectively.

In addition to the sound reasons for treating ChatGPT as an opportunity and not a threat, there are practical ones. It simply isn't possible to effectively ban this technology. Many students can't help using AI assistance while writing. While there are tools aimed at judging text produced by AI, future versions of AI will get better at emulating (模仿) human writing-including the style of the particular person who is using it.

Some students, who use ChatGPT despite the ban, would avoid being found cheating in their writing, through luck or thanks to careful editing. Worse still, some students would be falsely charged with using ChatGPT, causing great stress and even leading to wrong punishment.

Writing is a skill worthy of great respect. But most students don't have the desire to become professional writers. Instead, they are preparing for careers where they will write to further goals beyond the production of writing. As we do today, they will write to communicate, explain, request and persuade.

A. The ban of ChatGPT would also produce the injustice.

B. There is argument that the use of ChatGPT is good for education.

C. AI writing tools, when properly used, will help them do those things better.

D. Learning to write without AI does indeed promote focused, disciplined thinking.

E. But that' s wrong to ban students from using labor-saving and time-saving AI writing tools.

F. Besides, the AI writing tools will always be one step ahead of the tools to discover AI text.

G. They need to learn to compose well-organized essays using AI-produced text and traditional writing.
