组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Over the summer I moved from Texas to Missouri. This was my second year of high school, but my first year of school in Missouri. I was really nervous about starting a new school and having people like me. I decided that I would be much happier in a new school if I made friends that were so-called "popular". Getting in with the right group of people would make my life a whole lot better. I bought a new outfit so the first day would be perfect.

On the first day of school, scared, yet eager to begin my new life, I walked up the stairs. My first class was geometry, but where was that? I was standing in the hall looking confused, when a short, blond girl wearing glasses came up and asked, "Are you new? You look lost. Do you want me to help you find your class? My name is Diane. What's yours?" Even though she seemed a bit strange, definitely not the kind of person I wanted to be associated with, I decided to answer her anyway. I was, after all, lost.

After exchanging names, I followed her up the stairs and down a hallway on the right. When we reached my room she said, "Well, here you are. It was nice meeting you. I hope I see you again and your day goes all right."

I said a quick thank-you and waved good-bye. Once inside the classroom, I saw one big group of people huddled around someone who seemed to be telling some sort of story. I walked over and got close enough to overhear. All eyes were glued to the guy in the middle of the circle. I decided that this guy was popular.

A few minutes later the teacher told everyone to go find a seat and get ready for the class. I managed to get one right next to the guy. I said, "Hi, my name is April and I'm new here." He said coldly, "Hi, I'm Johnny." That class dragged on and on. Finally, the bell rang. I turned to him and asked, "I'm not sure where my next class is, could you help me find it?" He looked at me and then said a quick no, turned back to his friends, and walked out of the classroom.

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As they were walking out, I heard they were all laughing at me.


Before I was ready to go home, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
