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"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old English saying. It means that eatingnutritiousfood will make you healthy. As a result, you will not need to see the doctor very often.

It is important to have a healthy diet. Your diet is the food you eat every day. If you are looking for nutritious food, apples are a good place to start. Studies have shown that apples are a very healthy snack.

Apples are low in calories and have no fat. They provide a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C. Apples can also help reduce high blood pressure. They have a wide variety of health benefits.

Biting into a juicy apple will do good to your teeth, too. Dentists believe that eating apples reduces tooth decay (蛀牙) . It helps clean your teeth and kill bacteria (细菌).

Of course, apples are not the only nutritious food. There are many other nutritious "super foods" such as blueberries, oranges, salmon and yogurt. You should try to eat as more as you can of these "super foods".
