组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

As you get older, you'll meet a wider range of people from different cultures. Culture is an idea that isn't easy to understand. People often use the term to refer to things like food, holidays, clothing and music. Customs, beliefs and values are also part of your culture. So when meeting people from different backgrounds, you can sometimes find that there are huge differences in how you see the world.

For example, when you meet people from a different culture, ask them about their lives. It is one of the best ways to understand the culture. But be polite about it and remember they don't owe you an answer, and might not want to give it-not everyone wants to explain everything about their culture.

Maybe you've recently met someone from a different culture you find interesting. Get to know his/her families and see how their customs and traditions differ from yours. You might be surprised to find how culturally different two people living even in the same town can be!

Read books by and about people who are different from you. Reading memoirs (回忆录), biographies and other nonfiction books is an obvious way to learn about a country or someone's life. Like with books, you can also watch movies to learn more about a culture. What's more, keeping yourself in a different culture through travel is also an amazing way to understand another culture.

So accept and respect the differences between yourself and your friends from different cultures- remember that what is a difference to you is just their normal life!

A. Make friends with him/her.

B. But it also goes much deeper than that.

C. Show respect for people from other cultures.

D. You may think you know a lot about a culture or place.

E. Differences between us are what makes life so interesting.

F. There are many ways to understand other people's cultures.

G. Also don't ignore novels that have been translated from other language.
