组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I was so excited when Mrs. Burks announced we were going to the skating rink(溜冰场). I'd never been roller-skating and really wanted to learn how to skate.

When we got there, everyone1inside. Some of us rented our skates and soon began lacing(系好鞋带) them up. Then, everyone but me2away from the wall and started skating.3onto the handrail(扶手),I pulled myself along the side as I tried moving my legs back and forth. After a few failed4Mrs. Burks skated over to me." When you start to5, relax. If you struggle to keep from falling, you'll be more6to hurt yourself," said Mrs. Burks.

Mrs. Burks7for one of my hands. I took a deep breath and8her warm hand. As we moved away from the wall, she called out," Take a deep9. Move your foot forward at an angle and then do the10thing with the other foot. "I tried to follow her11in every way. "That's good! You're moving your feet like you should. But remember to relax when you start to go down. Let's try again," Mrs. Burks said.

So I did.12 I lost my balance, I safely fell to the floor. Mrs. Burks was right! It didn't13as much. I was able to get up faster and try again.

Later I began to see how Mrs. Burks' instructions worked for other14. As long as I kept trying to do my best ,I could learn something even when I15.I could get back up, try again, and understand it's all right to fall.
