组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

Basketball, baseball and soccer are classic sports that people will always enjoy. And yet we keep changing popular games like these in new ways to keep them fresh.

Underwater hockey

This game is played in swimming pools with two teams of six players. Each player wears flippers (蛙鞋) and uses a stick to hit a puck (圆盘). Each team earns points by hitting the puck into its underwater goal. Other team members must be ready to take the puck when a team member goes up for air. That makes underwater hockey a true team sport.


Another fun game to watch, cycleball is like indoor soccer on wheels but with only two male players for each team. Each player rides a special bike designed for the game. Like soccer, a team must put the ball in a goal. However, there is a catch. The ball can only be touched with the bikes' wheels or the players' heads. This game requires a lot of practice to learn the skills needed.


A sport can also be revised by mixing it with another game. In chessboxing, two players compete with each other on the chess board and in the ring. First, their minds are tested in a game of chess. Then they use their strength in a round of boxing. They repeat this for 11 rounds. The winner beats the loser in chess, knocks him out while boxing or gets more boxing points.


This exciting sport is part volleyball and part soccer. But unlike both of those sports, players jump up and down throughout the game. That's because it's played on an inflatable (可充气的) volleyball court with a trampoline on either side of the net. One player bounce on the trampoline while up to four others stand around it. A team can touch the ball six times before sending it back across the net. Each player may touch the ball once with arms or twice with other body parts.

Though these sports may not be common, give them a look or even a try.
