组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, a king in Africa had a close friend. No matter what happened in his life, the friend always said "This is good!"

One day, the king and his friend went hunting(打猎). The friend made a mistake while preparing the gun for the king. When the king shot at an animal, one of his fingers was broken. However, the friend said,  "This is good!" The king shouted in pain,  "No, this is NOT GOOD!" He was so angry that he sent his friend to jail(监狱).

A year later, the king went hunting again. Cannibals (食人族)caught him and took him to their village. As they came close to setting fire to him, they noticed that the king had lost a finger. Cannibals never ate anyone that was less than whole, so they set the king free.

As the king returned home, he felt regretful for what he had done to his friend. He went to the jail and told his friend his experience.

"You were right, " the king said. "It was good that my finger was broken. And I am very sorry for keeping you in jail for so long. "

"You needn't say sorry, " his friend said. "This is good. "

"How could it be good?" the king asked.

"If I had not been in jail, I would have been with you and been eaten by cannibals!"
