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After some more time had passed, it was time for the trial of Muff Potter for the murder of Dr. Robinson in the graveyard. Tom found Huckleberry Finn.

"Huck, have you told anyone what we saw?"

"Of course not !"

"I feel sorry for Muff sometimes. He didn't kill Dr. Robinson, but I think they will hang him. "

"I do too, Tom. He never hurts anybody and he taught me how to fish. "

"He fixed my kite once. Maybe we could help him escape. "

"They'd only catch him again. "

"That's true. "

They went to the jail and brought Muff Potter some tobacco and matches.

"Thanks, boys. You have been very kind to me. Nobody else is kind to me. Let me shake your hands. They're only little hands, but they helped me a lot. "

Tom went home, feeling very bad.

He stayed near the courthouse for the next few days. Injun Joe told his story again. Everybody believed it . They all thought that Muff Potter would be hanged. Even his lawyer looked sad. That night, Tom felt worse than ever. He went to see Muff's lawyer. The next day, the witnesses told their stories. Muff's lawyer spoke.

"Call Tom Sawyer!"

Everybody was surprised. Tom came into the court. He told the judge what he and Huckleberry had seen. Injun Joe was frightened when he heard this. He jumped out of the window of the courthouse and ran away.

Now Tom was really famous. His name was in the newspaper. He enjoyed being famous, but at nighttime he was very frightened. Everybody looked for Injun Joe, but nobody could find him. Tom dreamed about him every night.

The days slowly passed by. Tom's fearful dream of Injun Joe was replaced by another, more pleasant, dream. He and Huckleberry decided to dig for buried treasure. Tom had read about it in a book.

Taken from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"
