组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文, 掌握大意, 然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Neha wants a new study table, but her parents don't have much money to buy a new table. They can1buy her a second-hand one.

They take Neha to a second-hand shop. Neha sees a/an2black table there. She opens its drawer and finds a small bag with some3in it. "My birthday is coming. I can buy a bicycle or beautiful dresses4the money," Neha thinks. So she tells her parents to buy the old black one.

When they get home, Neha closes the door of5room and takes out the bag from the drawer. There are 300 dollars! Suddenly, Neha finds a letter in the bag. It is from an old lady. She6the money for her family. But she leaves it in the drawer and then passes away. 7knows about the money in the drawer.

Neha thinks, "I should not take the money. "She tells her parents about the money. "I want to give it back to its owner, "Neha says. 8they take the money back to the shop.

They finally find the family. The son of the old lady9Neha and her parents again and again.

Neha thinks, "No new bicycle or clothes can make me feel so great. I have an important test of my life- the10test of my honesty.
