组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Since I became a mother, I cannot remember the-last time I had spare time for myself. Even my simple hobby of reading a book was already a thing of the past. All my time was spent taking care of the family, doing house chores, and of course, working to make a living.

I longed for "me time". When I say" me time", I only mean having an hour of quietness, listening to music, reading a book, or watching a movie, without being troubled by my kids.

It was not until quite recently that I had a chance to travel to a new country all by myself to start a new job! My husband and kids would have to follow at a later date.

Now, I am alone in an apartment. Finally, I can do whatever I want and keep the house clean and tidy. I can read my favorite books and do all that I want to do with my time. I practically have all the time for myself!

But surprisingly it doesn't make me happy. I am lonely. No more daily routine (常规) of nagging (唠叨) and pushing the kids to get up. I miss my kids and my husband. I feel something in me is missing. Now I realize that making time for me doesn't mean being away from those I love. I can still have "me time" even if I have the kids around and endless chores to do.

I can change my attitude toward chores and routines. Life won't be the same without the people you love near you. Now I am looking forward to them joining me soon.
