组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Hi, Li Ming! Kong: Skull of Island(金刚:骷髅岛) is on in many cinemas.

B: Really ? .

A: Yeah. Would you like to go to see it with me tonight ?

B:. Which cinema shall we go to ?

A: . It has the best service.

B: But it is too far, and it is the most expensive.

Lets go to Gold Cinema. .

A: Sounds good. .

B: It is only five yuan if we take our student ID cards with us.

A: That's good ! Let's go there.

A. How about City Cinema?

B. How much is a ticket there?

C. I heard it is a great movie.

D. Sure, I'd love to.

E. It is near and it is the cheapest.
