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Alexis Lewis, a 7-year-old girl, set out with her family on a trip to explore different parts of the country. During the hours on the road, her grandfather, a rocket scientist, would1cool ideas with Alexis about science. Eventually, everything her grandfather said2Alexis to become an inventor.

In the 2019 Kid Inventor' Day event3on January 17th in New York, Alexis, 14, was one of the seven kid4who attended the event. With an audience of 200 people in5and more than 500 others watching on Facebook Live, Alexis talked about her award-winning invention, the B. amboo Travois(雪橇). It is a lightweight device made of bamboo, a net rope6wheels. A person can use the travois to carry someone else while walking long7.

Alexis also8another one of her inventions: the Emergency Mask Pod. It is a football-shaped canister(小罐) that9a smoke mask and can be thrown through the window of a burning building   People inside the building can put on the mask to10themselves from smoke inhalation(吸入)11firefighters helped her test the invention by throwing it hundreds of times into the second storey windows of buildings.

The world12new thinkers like Alexis and other young inventors who13the event. Kids are the ones who can solve the14that the older generation creates. It's our job as adults to show kids the possibilities of15they can make and creat.
