组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: I really feel terrible. I have so many rules at school and home.

B: Like what?

A: I can't be late for class. If I am late, my teacher will not let me .

B: I think that's a good rule. Students must on time.

A: But they can't keep us out. And we have to wear school uniforms and eat at the dining hall.

B: They are good rules, too. Eating in the classroom makes it and students in school uniforms look nice.

A: Oh, no. That's not true. I like my black jacket and blue trousers. They make me cool.

B: You can wear them on the . But you must follow the rule at school. So are there any rules that you like at school?

A: Hmm. We must keep in the library. I like reading and I can't read in a noisy room.

B: So how about the rules in your family?

A: I have to do the dishes and make my bed every morning. I have to finish my homework before .

B: Every people in the family must do the housework. And study always comes first.

A: I think so. But I really need to after a long day's work at school. Why can't I finish my homework after dinner?

B: So what do you usually do after you do the dishes?

A: I have to practice the for an hour! You know, I don't like playing the piano. I like volleyball and I want to be a sports star, not a .

B: Oh, you need to talk with your parents and tell them your dream.

A: I often show them my dream. But they say I must practicing the piano.

B: That's bad. But try again!

A: Sure I will.

B: Good luck to you!
