组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

One afternoon, a woman visited her neighbor. When she was about to knock at the door. she heard someone talking in the room. 

A little girl said, "Would you like some chicken today?" Another girl said, "No, I would like some beef. "

Hearing the words, the woman knocked at the door and went into the room. She saw them siting at table. To her surprise, there were only some pieces of dry bread and two cold potatoes and a glass of water on the table. The woman said. "I heard you talking about chicken and beef, but…" One girl said, "I just imagined that. In this way, I think simple food will be       ①      .

The other girl said happily, "When you imagine the bread as cakes, the bread will be very tasty. If you consider the bread as ice cream, it will be even more delicious. "

After leaving the family, the woman realized that she had a new understanding of life. She found that the key to happiness is not from substance (物质), but from people's heart. ②She also learned that the active attitude (态度)creates wonderful life while the negative attitude wastes life

Life is like a book. Everyone has two pens to write this book. One is picturing happiness and the other is showing sadness. 
