组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Green Energy for Today and Tomorrow

Did you know that most of the energy we use comes from the sun? For example, the sun helps plants to grow. Plants that grew millions of years ago turned into coal, oil, and natural gas (天然气). We call these fossil fuels (化石燃料).

However, fossil fuels make pollution. This is bad for the Earth. Fossil fuels are also nonrenewable. Some day they will be gone. So, scientists want people to use green energy. Why is green energy important? First, it is clean. It doesn't hurt the Earth. Next, it is renewable. It won't run out. Green energy gives us almost 25% of the electricity we use today.

What are the main sources (来源) of green energy?

Water Power

Water power uses moving water in rivers and dams (堤坝). Moving water has energy. Water power makes 16.6% of the electricity we use. 

Wind Power

Is wind power new? No, it isn't. People used wind power many years ago. Wind power makes 4% of the electricity we use.

Solar Power

Soar power comes from sunlight. The sun shines on solar panels (太阳能板), and electricity is made. Solar power is now as cheap as some fossil fuels. It makes 15% of the electricity we use

Biomass (生物质能)

Biomass is energy that we get from plants around us. For example, deadwood or grass is burned in power stations. This makes electricity. Biomass is green energy because we plant new trees or crops (庄稼) after we use it. Biomass makes 2% of the electricity we use. 

New Green Energy

Ocean rise and fall each day. This moving water can make electricity. We call it tide power. There is also heat under the Earth's surface. Scientists can use this heat for energy, which is called heat power. We may find other sources of green energy in the future.

Some day, green energy could make 100% of the electricity we use. That's good news for the Earth!
