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Bob has a dream about a bike. He often watches it on TV and in newspapers. "I have to make some money for it, " says Bob. And he has a good idea.

On Saturday, Bob goes door to door and asks people if they need dog walking. His friend Jack comes and wants to help him. But Bob says, "I can do it myself. I need to make money for my new bike. " says Bob.

On Sunday. Bob picks up all the dogs. They jump and run here and there. It's a difficult job for the little boy. Soon he isexhaustedso he sits there and doesn't want to do anything. Jack runs to Bob. "Do you want some help now?" Bob gives Jack some dogs to walk. When the boys finish walking the dogs, the dog owners (主人) give them some money. Jack gives his money to Bob. "This is for your new bike. We hope you can get your dream bike. "

Bob is so moved (感动的). He deeply understands the meaning of true friends.
