组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Here is a club, its name is the Care Club. You can see a group of children in the club on weekends. Parents, teachers and other people work with them in the club in their free time. The children there can do many things.

The children can go to the old people's home. There are many old people there. The children can talk to them and play games with them. The children can sing and dance with them. The old people will tell stories to the children. The old people are very happy to see them. At the same time, they can learn a lot from the old people, too.

The children can help other kids. They can make cards and gifts for sick kids in hospital. They can collect (收集) clothes and shoes, and send them to poor kids. If you want to join the club to help others, maybe your parents or teachers can help.
