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Sea turtles (海龟) live in the sea most of the time. The beaches in Florida are home to sea turtles. Female sea turtles come here from the ocean to lay eggs. Then they return to the ocean. However, the number of some of these turtle species is falling. They are in danger. So people in Florida work together as a community to protect them.

Some volunteers take direct action to help the turtles. They look closely at the sand to find out where the sea turtles lay their eggs. Then they help bury (埋藏) the eggs in order to save them from being destroyed. They also help people who are studying sea turtles.

Florida's government has passed laws to save the turtles. One of these laws is "Florida's Marine Turtle Protection Act". This law prevents anyone from destroying sea turtles nests or eggs. It helps protect the turtles from dying out.

People also work together to save the turtles through organizations (组织) like the Sea Turtle Conservancy. For example, the bright light from buildings near the beach can influence sea turtles. The baby turtles may get lost. Many of them do not make it to the ocean and die. The Sea Turtle Conservancy works with house owners to make the lighting in their buildings sea turtle-friendly. They also advise people to turn off their lights at night if they live close to a beach.

In a word, everyone can do their part to protect sea turtles and their living places. People in Florida can work as volunteers to clean up the beaches and pick up their own litter. Everyone in the community has the power to make a difference!
