组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A group of boys wanted to help some orphans (孤儿) .They planned to1money for them so that they could go to school.

They wanted to ask people for donations (捐赠). The first man they2was a person sitting on a chair. They saw him through the door. He was scolding(责备) a boy for tearing (撕扯) a piece of unused paper into3. He was very angry and4the boy not to waste paper.

The boys didn't want to waste time there. When they decided to5away, the gentleman called them in and asked them to take a seat. They didn't know6to begin. They looked at one another when the gentleman asked the7of their visit. When they8him they wanted to collect money for the orphans, he asked them to wait. As they were waiting, hot snacks were9to them.

The gentleman gave an envelope to them and asked them to open it and have a look. They are10to see a check for $1,000,000. He told them to make good use of it and donate it to the local11. The gentleman knew that they were not going to enter the house12they saw him scolding the boy for wasting paper. He said to them, "I am not unkind, but saving what we have is a good13. We can spend every penny we save on the most14thing this way." That day the boys were extremely delighted. They couldn't thank15enough.
