组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Over the Amazon jungle(雨林), there was a thunderstorm.

The rain fell 1  and there was a strong wind. And then lightning 2  the plane at 3, 000 metres, and it exploded(爆炸). When Julian woke up later, her right arm was cut, and her shoulder hurt badly. She was alone. But she was 3  !

Juliane's father was a biologist and when she was small, he taught her how to 4 in the jungle. She found a small river and walked slowly 5 it. "If I follow the river," she thought, "I'll find people!" The river also gave her clean water to drink. It was very hot, but the river water kept her cool and made her feel 6 . There was fruit on some trees but she didn't eat it—she knew it might be dangerous.

Juliane walked for ten days. At night she stopped to sleep 7  it was too dark to walk. Ten days after the 8  , she found a small house by the river. There were some woodcutters. They cleaned her cuts carefully and a plane took her safely to hospital. 

Juliane was the 9 person who lived. The rest 91 people all died. The film director, Werner Herzog, had a ticket to travel on the plane but 10 it. He made a documentary film called "Wings of Hope" about Juliane and her amazing story.
