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How can we get rid of procrastination (拖延症)

Procrastination is a common challenge that many people face.However, there are practical methods which help people beat the bad habit.

It is helpful to understand exactly why you've been procrastinating a specific task. Are you afraid of something?Fill in the sentence: "I'm avoiding this task because I'm afraid that… "And see what shows up. Identifying your fears can help you realize the monsters in the closet aren't as bad as you think.

Sometimes people put way too much on their To Do list. One way to stop procrastinating something is to decide you're never going to do it. What can you take off your To Do list? Try crossing something off your list simply because you realize you don't really need to do that thing ever.

Experts highly recommend A Power Hour, which consists of putting away all distractions and working in a concentrated period of time.Science has discovered that our brain naturally goes through cycles with peaks (高峰) and valleys. To maximize your output, it is vital that you honor these peaks and valleys by balancing focused time with relaxation.

After completing a task or meeting a deadline, reward yourself with something you enjoy. Research shows the human brain responds to reward stimulus and this can be a good way to create habits.

This guide gives suggestions on stopping procrastinating; now, it's up to you to use them.

A. Give yourself permission to let it go.

B. Rewards provide motivation and a sense of achievement.

C. Procrastination only occurs when tasks appear confusing.

D. Maybe you feel overcome by it and don't know where to start.

E. It can prevent success in the long run and is not easy to overcome.

F. Effective ways to cure people of the habit are easy to get from the Internet.

G. Short rest is necessary in this period in order to make best use of your brain and body.
