组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Liu Wei is a disabled pianist from Beijing. He won the first series of China's Got Talent by playing the piano 1 his toes.

When Liu was ten years old, 2  accident happened to him. When he 3  up after 45 days, he found that both of his arms 4 . His parents told him he should learn 5  to take care of himself, 6  no one could help him. His mother kept telling him that he is not different from 7 . In the hospital, he met an armless painter 8  encouraged him to learn to use his feet to write, brush his teeth and eat. 

9 he was very sad, but he knew life wouldn't stop for him. He focused 10 what he could do instead of what he 11 . He started playing the piano at 19 12 his music dream come true. His first teacher left as he considered 13 impossible for someone to play without fingers. However, Liu didn't give up. He practiced even 14 , more than seven hours a day. Finally, he proved himself to be a talent.

15  excellent man he is!
