组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Today, many kids hardly read books. They are busy with their mobile phones or computers. Forming (养成) the good habit of reading among our kids is really important to their learning success. Parents must do something to help their kids fall in love with reading.

Your reading place doesn't have to be big or have a lot of bookshelves. It can be a chair in the room where your child sleeps. A corner of the sofa is also OK. A comfortable place with enough light can help your child read comfortably.

Reading to your kids could really help set up a good relationship. And this will become moments to be remembered when they are old and you are no longer with them.

A visit to a bookstore once a month is good reading improvement to your kids. Not only will they be more interested in books, but they will also be excited to see different kinds of books. If there are some books they like best, buy them for your kids.

Read in front of your kids often. Whether you love books, magazines, or graphic novels (连环画小说), let your child see you reading. Kids learn from what they see. If you're excited about reading, your child will catch your enthusiasm (热忱).
