组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Mr. Johnson has a store. He sells clothes in his store. 

One day, a boy comes to Mr. Johnson's store. He looks at a blue skirt for a long time. Then he asks, "Excuse me. How much is the blue skirt?" "It's $20,"Mr. Johnson says. "Oh, the price is too high," the boy says. He looks very sad. Mr. Johnson asks the boy, "Who do you want to buy this skirt for?""For my mom. Her birthday is next week. I think she will look nice on this skirt. But I can't buy it for her because I only have $5. ""Well, the skirt is on sale today. It's only $5. What size (尺码) do you need?" "M. " "OK. You can take it now. "

"Oh, that's really great! Thank you! "the boy is happy now.

"I'm sure your mother will have a happy birthday. "Mr. Johnson smiles(微笑).

So now, you know why many people like going to Mr. Johnson's store. He is a very nice man. 
