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Teens Making a Difference

The power of teens is making an influence. These students are showing they have a valuable talent for inspiring younger children to do their best. 

Tutors (辅导教师) Program

Younger children sometimes are worried about their homework. In one Seattle after-school program, student tutors come to help. They help the children with artworks when their homework is done. The younger students are happy to get help with their homework. They are even happier to get the attention of older students. 

The younger students say the tutors are great role models. The student tutors say they get a great experience from working with younger children. It gives them confidence and improves their communication skills. 

Youth Coaches Program

What's better than a play day at school? A play day with teen coaches! Just ask the six hundred students at a Florida primary school. Each year, they spend a special day with some of high school athletes.

The teens teach all kinds of athletic skills. Some children learn to play basketball while others learn to play tennis or football. The teens also take time to explain how they balance sports and schoolwork and the young listeners hang on every word the teens say!

Dance Teachers Program

When parents in one Boston community were asked what they wished their children could do after school, they said, "Dance!" They probably wouldn't predict what happened next. Six teens volunteered to learn Latin dance. They wanted to teach the children in the community how to dance!

The teens formed a group and began sharing the dance steps they learned. The program grew quickly. More teens became teachers and more youngerchildren learned to dance. For the younger children, it was a chance to spend time with teen role models that they admired. Today, the program is a big success. Over three hundred children take part in the classes every year. 
