组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

On a sunny afternoon, I sat on a seat in the park. I could see two 1 racing on their skateboards (滑板). The one in front was laughing and calling to the other to go faster. The one 2 seemed angry and hurt. He was trying to follow his elder brother. 

It made me think of myself as a boy. I often 3 myself with my elder brother, Paul. He was better than me at everything. I tried hard to 4 him. But I never could. I felt angry with myself and promised to beat him one day. 

I waited and waited 5 the special evening came, the evening of my first victory over Paul. We had our final exam results and 6 were excellent. At dinner I wanted to show them to my parents 7 . I waited for Paul to speak first. Instead of saying a word, he just ate a little and then went to his room. 

I didn't understand. What was happening? Then it hit me. Paul had failed his exams! I was finally 8 than Paul! But I didn't feel happy or proud. I only felt sorry for my poor brother. Victory was not 9 . It had a bad taste.

I found Paul crying in his room silently. I put my arms around him and said, " Don't worry, Paul. I still 10 you. You're the best. " Paul held my hand, " No, you're the best, the best brother in the world! "

I looked again at the two brothers, smiled and said to myself, " Having a good brother is better than winning a race. That's true. "
