组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

My daughter is a middle school student who still plays with her American Girl dolls. Dolls have been a huge part of her life ever since she was a baby. When she got her first doll at the age of 5, she spent hours brushing its hair and changing its clothes. Some people think my daughter should stop doing that as a teenager. But I think quite differently.

Considering the less attractive activities that are out there and what else she could be doing, I find playing with dolls seems like a nice choice. It's better than playing computer games or something alike. I've also noticed it doesn't make any difference to her social life. She has her friends and spends time with them.

Playing with dolls is helpful for my daughter. "When I play with them, "my daughter told me, "it makes me feel that I can express problems going on in my life and that I'm not the only one who has those problems. They're in their lives, too, and they have to live with them." I'm glad she finds a safe place to stay when she faces school test, changeable social groups, and a changing body in middle school.

Moreover, the girl dolls can be encouraging. Most come with an amazing back story. For instance, Luciana is interested in science and technology and wants to become an astronaut. How cool it is to set an example for kids!

So next time, when someone tries to judge my young teen for playing with her dolls, I'll remember all the ways she benefits from them. And when she grows too large for them, I hope she saves her dolls and brings them out one day in the future so that her own kids can get the benefits of playing with them, even into their teen years.
