组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A: Thank you for agreeing to see me at such a late hour, doctor. 

B: You are welcome, and I'd like to do anything for my ! Now, what seems to be the matter?

A: It's my eyes. I can't see well at night, and when I wake up in the morning, it takes me a few minutes before I can see things .

B: How long has this been going on?

A: A couple of 

B: OK. Let me give you a closer . Just relax. Does it hurt when I do that?

A: Not exactly, the light is just really bright. I can hardly keep my eyes 

B: OK. Please, go on. 

A: Well, I fell down and hit my head pretty hard on the steps when I was walking to the first floor in my house about three weeks ago. 

B: Where did you hit your head?

A: Just on the back. However, there was no blood and everything to be okay at that time. 

B: You didn't check it out then?

A: My wife said I should, but was wrong, so I didn't go to see a doctor. Well, a week passed and all of a sudden I started to have problems with my eyes. I first noticed it when I was driving back home from work. It has gotten over the past week or so.

B: I'm afraid it's a little late, so I'm going to order some tests for you tomorrow morning.

A: Thank you, doctor. 
