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Twins Katie and Sarah Monahan arrived at Pennsylvania's Gettysburg College. They are determined to strike out on independent paths. Although the 18-year-old sisters had requested rooms in different dormitory, the housing office placed them on the eighth floor of the same building, across the hall from each other.

Katie was a very lovely and kind-hearted girl. She always did her best to prevent others from any problem. Once the dormitory was out of electricity and her roommate, Windy was studying in the classroom only leaving Katie alone in the dormitory at that time. Katie had just finished her favouritehorrible American TV series. She felt very scared. But she didn't want to disturb Windy, so she just stayed in the dark dormitory alone till Windy got back to the dormitory. Windy was a nice girl too. She gave Katie a lot of comfort and care. She would like to make Katie relax after stressful study. She often shared her happiness with Katie. They lived a very happy life together.

While Katie got along with her roommate, Sarah was having difficulty in dealing with the relationship with her roommate. 

Sarah liked quiet, while her roommate, Lily spent two hours a day practisingthe guitar, or turned up her sound system to the point where the whole room vibrates (颤动). Sarah was always cold. but Lily never wanted to turn on the heat, even though it was snowing heavily outside. Sarah liked wearing fur in winter and she also enjoyed cutting up frogs in biology class. But Lily is an vegetarian (素食主义者) and believed all living things are holy (神圣的), even ants and mosquitoes. She and her roommate silently warred over matters ranging from when the lights should be turned off to how the furniture should be arranged. Finally, they gave up communicating. 

One day. there was a dormitory contest, which needed roommates to join hands to decorate their dormitory. Sarah wanted to win in the contest but she thought it was impossible for her to finish it because she didn't talk with Lily.

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Depressed and hopeless. Sarah ran across the hall to seek help from Katie. 

Hearing what Katie said, both Sarah and Lily lowered their heads. 
