组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I still remember my first Christmas adventure(冒险) with Grandma. As we walked into a store, Grandma gave me ten dollars. That was 1 money in those days. “Take the money,” she said, “and buy   2 for someone who needs it. I'll wait for you in the 3.” Then she walked out of the store.

    I was only eight years old then. I had often gone shopping with my mother, but I had 4shopped for anything alone. I didn't know what 5 or who to buy it for.

    I 6 everybody I knew. Finally, I had an idea. I would buy Bobby a 7! He needed one. I knew that 8 he never went out during the winter. His mother always 9a note, telling the teacher that he was ill, but all we kids knew that was not 10.

    I chose a red coat. It looked really 11.

    When I returned to Grandma's car, she helped me write a note “To Bobby,  12 Father Christmas''. Then she drove me over to Bobby's house.

    Some time later, Grandma 13her car near Bobby's house. We got off and hid in the bushes(灌木). Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”

    I ran to Bobby's front door, put the 14 down, rang his doorbell and flew back to Grandma. Together we waited for the front door 15 …

    That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive(活着), and we were on his team. I felt so happy.
