组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

achieve I climb much think about height sad natural

It was nearly dark. The sun was going down. A little boy, Mike, came back home  from the mountain. 

"What's the matter, Mike?" his mother asked.

"The mountain is so and full of big or small stones on the way. I was very tired, so I had to return," Mike cried.

"It doesn't matter. " his mother said.

"But standing at the top of the mountain by is a dream from childhood (童年)!" Mike said.

His father came up. "What did you notice when up the mountain?

"There were a lot of beautiful flowers by the sides of the road. " Mike replied.

"Did you feel the beauty of ?" his father asked.

Mike  the question for a while. 

"Yes, the blue sky the white clouds and the green trees. " Mike answered.

"That's enough!" his father smiled and said. "Please remember, Son. The beautiful scenery (风景) is on the way. You have a lot although you didn't reach the top of the mountain. It is one of the valuable lessons in your life".
