组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A village primary school in Yunnan Province has amazed everyone who knows it. The school with more than 1,000 teachers and students has achieved 1  self-sufficiency(自给自足)by offering farming for students. 

Jingwai Mingde Primary School is made up of five local village primary schools. Since 2008, it has been paying attention to students' 2 in an all-round way through labor(劳动)education. The school has been 3 with about 150 mu of farmland and has fed itself for 15 years. On the farmland, students can 4 farmwork.

Most of the time, farmers are responsible for the land, but the teachers 5  students in doing farmwork twice a week. After entering Grade 3, each class is given a piece of land to plant vegetables or 6  animals. The vegetables and animals will be used for their 7  meals. During the planting, students feel the hardship of farmwork and will 8  the food more in the future. 

According to headmaster Lei Yingfei, through labor education, students have 9 basic life skills, developed a sense of teamwork, as well as improved their performance of cultural courses. "Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood. The farm labor will build 10 social ability that lasts a lifetime," he said.
