组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

I still remember the day when we decorated the house. I was ten and it was two weeks before Christmas. I was looking forward to my presents. Since I'm the youngest in the family, all of the family members would give me a gift one way or another. Sometimes it was a cookie or a hug but it was always there. I was the only center of attention and it was feeling good. 

My uncles usually would ask me what I wanted before Christmas and that year I knew what I wanted. It was the spaceship I saw in the ads. I was dreaming of opening a big gift box, and it was there. But that year it came in a way that I wasn't expecting. 

It was two weeks before Christmas. Just two weeks. She couldn't wait. My dear mother told my father that it was time, and then we went to the hospital. After an hour, they told me that I had a sister now. But I didn't want a sister. I wanted a spaceship. The next few days went so fast. No one was caring about me. Everyone was talking about her and 1 knew that my life is never going to be the same ever again. I wasn't ready to grow up, to be a big brother. But it just happened in an instant. 

On the day before Christmas, everyone was in our home, talking only about my newborn sister. My family was becoming hers. Even my uncles didn't ask me anything about the gift. She stole everything I'd ever had,my life and my presents. Thinking about this,I cried to sleep. I had a nightmare(噩梦)and woke up at the middle of the night. Shadows were all around me, and I was defenseless and so weak. 1 ran into my parents' bedroom but couldn't wake up my poor parents who were just too worm out. I was standing near their bed, trying not to cry when I saw her. She was awake and looking at me with her big eyes in her small bed.


Suddenly a long shadow came into the bedroom and she started crying. 


After having comforted her, something slowly changed inside me. 
