组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

When Laura Lee was 5 years old, she developed what most people would consider a strange hobby—she collected toilet roll(卫生纸筒). Little did she know then that this hobby would finally become a1 recycling movement in Singapore. 

In 2018, Laura, a 15-year-old high school student, 2 a movement, Toilet RollSC, with the goal of collecting one ton of toilet rolls within a year. A little more than two years later3 , Laura went into a partnership with waste management company Veolia. For every kilogram collected, the company gave 5 cents in return, and then Laura4 the money to support social causes(事业)in Singapore. That has encouraged many more students to join her. As the5 of staring Toilet RollSC she received an EcoFrienda Award from the Singapore Government in 2021.

When asked why she became interested in collecting toilet rolls, Laura explains, "Toilet rolls are6 to collect because they are made of only one material. Things like pens are more difficult to recycle because they are made up of too many different material like metals and plastics, which need more resources(资源)to7 . " She hopes that collecting toilet rolls will help encourage young people to cut down on the use of single—use things and develop a habit. 

What's more, Laura often gives public8 about recycling at local schools. But because of COVID—19, she has to9 face—to—face communication, and uses the Internet to call attention to different environmental things. 

Laura's path to success is not easy, but the support of her classmates, family and school staff gives her the courage to10 going for her strange but meaningful hobby. 
