组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A had to B. unless C. got lost D. borrow E. if

A long time ago, there was a kind businessman named Antonio in Venice. One day, his friend Bassanio wanted to ask a lady named Portia to marry him. But he didn't have any money to buy clothes and travel to her city. The man then tried to some money from his friend Antonio.

However, Antonio had spent all of his money on some ships at sea. So he decided to borrow money from Shylock, a money-lender. 

"I can lend you money," said Shylock. "But you don't return it on time, you must give me a pound of your own flesh(肉)." Antonio agreed.

Bassanio asked Portia to marry him successfully, but Antonio's ships at sea. This meant that he had no way to return the money to Shylock. He face Shylock in court (法庭).
