组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The Bird Mask

Today, doctors know a lot about how to stop germs (病菌) from spreading. They suggest people cover their mouths when they cough. Washing your hands often also helps. 

However, people haven't always known about germs. For many years, even doctors didn't really understand how illnesses spread. Some doctors even tried dressing like birds.

In 1619, the French doctor, Charles de Lorme, invented a special uniform. He hoped it could protect doctors who were treating plague (瘟疫) patients. The uniform had a long coat, gloves, boots (靴子) and a hat. 

The doctors also carried sticks so they wouldn't have to touch the patients. The most special part of the uniform was the mask (面具).

 It had a beak (鸟嘴) that was about 15 cm long. There were also two eyeholes cowered in glass and two nostril (鼻孔) holes. 

At that time, doctors believed the plague was spread by bad air. Any air that had a bad smell was dangerous.They believed this could stop them from breathing the bad air and they wouldn't get sick because of the plague.

Did it work? Well, not really. Certainly the germs sometimes traveled through the air, and the flowers weren't able to stop them.

Some forms of plague only spread through certain animals such as mice. The doctors' uniform helped to protect them from this danger. However, largely the coat, gloves, boots and hat did the job, not the bird mask.

A. The bird mask helped to protect the doctors from this danger.

B. Many doctors still got sick by breathing through the nostril holes in their masks.

C. The mask made the doctors look like birds.

D. So the doctors put flowers in the beak of their masks.

E. They did many things to avoid getting sick.
