组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Once upon a time, there was a little sparrow. This sparrow was always on the hunt for something to eat and one day he happened upon a big bean. But before he could 1 it, he had to wash his hands. He hid the bean on a bridge and flew down to the 2 below to clean up. 

"I just can't wait for my wonderful3 ," the sparrow said to himself. Then he4 his way back up to the bridge. "I won't have to work for a week!" But when he got back to his5 place, the bean was gone!

As the sparrow flew around looking for his lost treasure, he saw a6 coming over the bridge. "7 , can you help me find my bean?" the sparrow asked. "Please, do I look like I have time to find a tiny bean? Find it8 ," said the farmer as he walked away.

Next, the sparrow saw a soldier coming over the bridge. He asked the soldier the9 question. "Please, little bird, I have no time for you," he said and walked on. Then a minister(大臣)came walking by, but10 the sparrow could even ask, he laughed and walked away. The little bird had11 given up hope, when the king came up the bridge, riding on an elephant. The sparrow repeated his question, but the king didn't12 him. The sparrow sat on the bridge, hungry and sad.

An ant came by. After he heard the sparrow's story, he went up to the elephant. "Tell the king to find that poor bird's13 , or I will go inside your ear and bite you!" The elephant stopped, turned to the king and said, "Go help that sparrow, or I will throw you off." The king was14 . He called the minister over and the minister ordered the soldier. Then the soldier went over to the farmer, "Find that bird's bean, or I'll kick you off this bridge!" The farmer15 all day and as the sun was setting, he finally found the bean. The sparrow was thankful, and he ate well for the next week.
