The Ancient City of Pingyao, originally named "Gu Tao", (construct) during the Western Zhou Dynasty. In order to defend from invaders(入侵者), a wall was built the city in 1370. More than 300 years later, gate towers were built (celebrate) a visit by Kangxi Emperor.
The three most historic sites in Pingyao, often referred to as the city's Three Historic Treasures, (be) the ancient brick-made city wall and the Zhenguo and Shuanglin temples.
The first of these historic treasures, the ancient city wall is 6,163 meters long and separates the city into two parts-an old city enclosed within the walls the newer modern section of the city. The old town still looks as it (do) during the Qing Dynasty, with antique streets and buildings along (age) roads. Walking along the alleyways, one can appreciate the symmetrical(对称的)design of the city and (it) stylish manmade-cave houses. In the northeast corner of the city is the second treasure: Zhenguo Temple. Its Wan Fo Hall is the third oldest wooden building in China and houses numerous (value) painted sculptures. The third treasure is Shuanglin Temple. Built during the Qi Dynasty, the temple boasts more than 2,000 painted clay statues were created during the Yuan and Ming dynasties.