组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

①Marie Curie is a famous scientist who is most famous for discovering two new radioactive elements (放射性元素). During the First World War, Marie Curie invented a great machine which have helped over one million soldiers. 

②Marie Curie was born in Poland on the 7th November 1867. Marie's parents were both teachers and her father would often teach her science at home. When she grew older, Marie wanted to go to university and learn all about physics. Unluckily, at the time women were not allowed to study in Poland. This meant that Marie had to move to France where she was allowed to go to university.

③After she had learnt all about physics at university, Marie worked in a lab with her husband, Pierre Curie. During this time, Marie made great progress and discovered two new radioactive elements which had never been seen before. Because of her amazing discoveries and work in science, Marie Curie became the first woman ever to win a Nobel Prize. A few years later, Marie went on to win a second Nobel Prize which made her the first person ever to win two Nobel Prizes!

④When the First World War started, Marie Curie knew she had to do something to help. Marie had realized that wounded soldiers recovered better if they were treated quickly. Putting her knowledge and understanding of radiation to good use, Marie decided to invent a machine which could help soldiers close to the front. 

⑤Although she was born over 150 years ago, Marie's work is still well known. Amazingly, some treatments being used in hospitals today started out as inventions in her lab. Many places even use Marie's name as recognition of the great work she carried out.
