组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Hello, I'm McDull(麦兜) . I have a birthmark(胎记) on my right eye. I have a kind heart. I always wear a hat. I'm happy and have many good friends. I'm not rich but I want to visit Disneyland one day. Now I live a happy life with my mother.

How does the name McDull come from? It has a story. Before my birth my mother saw a basin(盆) flying over her head. "Basin" sounds like "dull" in Cantonese(广东话) . My mother thought I was a lucky dog. Then she named me "Dull".

My father is Mak Bing. Before I came into this world, my father left. Now I go to school. My mother hopes I can learn my lessons well. I try my best to fulfill my mother's wishes, but I always… I think you can guess!
